
This is a hard cover book that was published in 1975. It is long out-of-print. It measures 8 ½” x 10″ x ½” and has a dust jacket. The book deals principally with documents, posters, and postcards for most of the primary combatants from both the Allies and the Central Powers. I was especially interested in the propaganda aspect from these types of items. Propaganda was not something that was used by only one country or by one side or another. It was widely used to motivate people to participate willingly and enthusiastically in the war effort. One piece in particular remains with me. It was a recruiting poster or newspaper advertisement from England in September 1914. The gist of the advertisement was that “Sportsmen” were wanted for a “Hunting Expedition to Berlin.” All expenses would be paid for hotels and railways costs. It was also mentioned that rifles and bullets would be provided free of cost! This depicts the naïveté of the war’s first month. Typically in the first year of a conflict, it was always said that the war would be over quickly and all the boys would be home for Christmas. It was NOT the case for WW I as it was five Christmases before most of the boys returned home, leaving behind millions who had fallen for their countries and would never enjoy another Christmas. The liberally illustrated book is a good read.

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This is a hard cover book that was published in 1975. It is long out-of-print. It measures 8 ½” x 10″ x ½” and has a dust jacket. The book deals principally with documents, posters, and postcards for most of the primary combatants from both the Allies and the Central Powers. I was especially interested in the propaganda aspect from these types of items. Propaganda was not something that was used by only one country or by one side or another. It was widely used to motivate people to participate willingly and enthusiastically in the war effort. One piece in particular remains with me. It was a recruiting poster or newspaper advertisement from England in September 1914. The gist of the advertisement was that “Sportsmen” were wanted for a “Hunting Expedition to Berlin.” All expenses would be paid for hotels and railways costs. It was also mentioned that rifles and bullets would be provided free of cost! This depicts the naïveté of the war’s first month. Typically in the first year of a conflict, it was always said that the war would be over quickly and all the boys would be home for Christmas. It was NOT the case for WW I as it was five Christmases before most of the boys returned home, leaving behind millions who had fallen for their countries and would never enjoy another Christmas. The liberally illustrated book is a good read.