
The museum at Rastatt is perhaps one of Germany’s finest military museums and a leader, internationally. Today we are offering a small, soft cover book from that museum featuring many items from their collection. The volume deals with pickelhauben and kugelhelme as they developed in Germany. The book is liberally illustrated with early headdresses from the various states, and shows the helmets’ evolutionary paths. It has a very interesting table that goes through Germany state by state, showing when they adopted the pickelhaube. Prussia was the first, in 1842, and Bavaria was the last, in 1886.
While we are all used to seeing the pickelhaube’s final evolution in 1897, this is a great opportunity to see where it started.

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The museum at Rastatt is perhaps one of Germany’s finest military museums and a leader, internationally. Today we are offering a small, soft cover book from that museum featuring many items from their collection. The volume deals with pickelhauben and kugelhelme as they developed in Germany. The book is liberally illustrated with early headdresses from the various states, and shows the helmets’ evolutionary paths. It has a very interesting table that goes through Germany state by state, showing when they adopted the pickelhaube. Prussia was the first, in 1842, and Bavaria was the last, in 1886.
While we are all used to seeing the pickelhaube’s final evolution in 1897, this is a great opportunity to see where it started.