Bavaria Framed Art of Prince Alfons


Prinz Alfons (1862-1933 ) was a member of the Royal House of Wittelsbach. While like most young royals he did join the military but this was not to be his primary vocation. His final role in the military was when he was named a General der Kavallerie and the 7th Chevagller-Regiment was named for him. He had no military command during WW I.

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Prinz Alfons (1862-1933 ) was a member of the Royal House of Wittelsbach. While like most young royals he did join the military but this was not to be his primary vocation. His final role in the military was when he was named a General der Kavallerie and the 7th Chevagller-Regiment was named for him. He had no military command during WW I.

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Dimensions 21 × 29 in