
This is a proclamation issued by König Wilhelm I of Württemberg. The proclamation is dated 23 September 1818. It announces the Kingdom’s establishment of the Order of the Crown. It is a printed copy of the proclamation, which was issued throughout the Kingdom. While not actually signed by Wilhelm I, it is authorized by him, by the Ordens Kanzler and State Minister Graf von Zeppelin. This was the father or uncle of the Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin who founded Germany’s airships. The document measures 9 1/4” x 7 1/4,” and is four pages long.

SKU: 31-79 Category:


This is a proclamation issued by König Wilhelm I of Württemberg. The proclamation is dated 23 September 1818. It announces the Kingdom’s establishment of the Order of the Crown. It is a printed copy of the proclamation, which was issued throughout the Kingdom. While not actually signed by Wilhelm I, it is authorized by him, by the Ordens Kanzler and State Minister Graf von Zeppelin. This was the father or uncle of the Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin who founded Germany’s airships. The document measures 9 1/4” x 7 1/4,” and is four pages long.