
You will have to be a person who enjoys military documents such as Militärpäße and Soldbücher to appreciate this, OR somebody who would like a really old document. What we have is an abrechnungs-buch, which is a pay book. This is for a man by the name of Hermann Feshe, who served in an artillery brigade in the Prussian Army. You ask how early this book is? How about 1829-1831!?! I have spent a half hour pouring through this book. I really find it interesting seeing how later German military documents incorporated this information into those documents. The ink entries are clear. It is amazing to hold in one’s hand a document that is more than 170 years old, and which was created barely a decade after the great Napoleonic wars.

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You will have to be a person who enjoys military documents such as Militärpäße and Soldbücher to appreciate this, OR somebody who would like a really old document. What we have is an abrechnungs-buch, which is a pay book. This is for a man by the name of Hermann Feshe, who served in an artillery brigade in the Prussian Army. You ask how early this book is? How about 1829-1831!?! I have spent a half hour pouring through this book. I really find it interesting seeing how later German military documents incorporated this information into those documents. The ink entries are clear. It is amazing to hold in one’s hand a document that is more than 170 years old, and which was created barely a decade after the great Napoleonic wars.