
This is a mini grouping of documents to a single man spanning a period of more than thirty years. The man to whom these documents belong is Otto Gruneberg. Gruneberg was born in 1879. He served in Württemberg Nachrichten Bataillon Nr 13. During WW I, he was awarded the Iron Cross 2nd Class on 22 March 1915. He achieved the rank of Acting Officer (Offz. Stellv.) Assorted personal documents are contained in this mini grouping, including several letters, receipts for items, a membership card for the Reichskolonialbund from 1937, and a document dated 1906 that shows him as a member of the postal service. The latter was his profession before WW I. All of these documents, including his militärpaß, are housed in a folio that once housed postcards. The folio sports a large Hohenzollern Eagle on its reverse. This gives us a good glimpse into the life of an Imperial German Army soldier.

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This is a mini grouping of documents to a single man spanning a period of more than thirty years. The man to whom these documents belong is Otto Gruneberg. Gruneberg was born in 1879. He served in Württemberg Nachrichten Bataillon Nr 13. During WW I, he was awarded the Iron Cross 2nd Class on 22 March 1915. He achieved the rank of Acting Officer (Offz. Stellv.) Assorted personal documents are contained in this mini grouping, including several letters, receipts for items, a membership card for the Reichskolonialbund from 1937, and a document dated 1906 that shows him as a member of the postal service. The latter was his profession before WW I. All of these documents, including his militärpaß, are housed in a folio that once housed postcards. The folio sports a large Hohenzollern Eagle on its reverse. This gives us a good glimpse into the life of an Imperial German Army soldier.