
This is a clipped autograph (a clipped signature from a document or letter) of Prinz Albrecht von Preußen (1809-1872)……

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This is a clipped autograph (a clipped signature from a document or letter) of Prinz Albrecht von Preußen (1809-1872). Albrecht was the younger brother of Kaiser Wilhelm I. He was a General der Kavallerie in the Prussian Army. The clipped signature is boldly signed by the Prinz, and displays his rank immediately below.

Prince Frederick Henry Albert of Prussia[1] (German: Friedrich Heinrich Albrecht; 4 October 1809 – 14 October 1872) was the fifth son and youngest child of King Frederick William III of Prussia and Louise of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. His parents had fled to East Prussia after the occupation of Berlin by Napoleon, and Albert was born in Königsberg. Two of Albert’s elder brothers were Frederick William IV, King of Prussia from 1840 till 1861, and William I, King of Prussia from 1861 to 1888 and German Emperor from 1871 until 1888. (SOURCE: