
This is an award document (urkunde) for the Service Cross 2nd Class of the Henry the Lion Decoration. The award was more a civil rather than a military decoration. The document measures 13″ x 8 1/4.” It was awarded to a man named Michaelis on 8 May 1897. At this point in history, Prinz Albrecht of Prussia was the Duchy of Braunschweig’s regent. Braunschweig, along with the Kingdom of Hannover, was annexed by Prussia in 1866 after that year’s war between Prussia and her allies against Württemberg, Baden, Saxony, and Bavaria and their allies. Thus, Hannover and Braunschweig lost their positions as separate states. This status quo remained until 1913, when Braunschweig’s Duke Ernst August married Viktoria Luise, Kaiser Wilhelm II’s daughter. The document is quite ornate. It was signed by the State Minister of Braunschweig, with the authority of Prinz Albrecht.

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This is an award document (urkunde) for the Service Cross 2nd Class of the Henry the Lion Decoration. The award was more a civil rather than a military decoration. The document measures 13″ x 8 1/4.” It was awarded to a man named Michaelis on 8 May 1897. At this point in history, Prinz Albrecht of Prussia was the Duchy of Braunschweig’s regent. Braunschweig, along with the Kingdom of Hannover, was annexed by Prussia in 1866 after that year’s war between Prussia and her allies against Württemberg, Baden, Saxony, and Bavaria and their allies. Thus, Hannover and Braunschweig lost their positions as separate states. This status quo remained until 1913, when Braunschweig’s Duke Ernst August married Viktoria Luise, Kaiser Wilhelm II’s daughter. The document is quite ornate. It was signed by the State Minister of Braunschweig, with the authority of Prinz Albrecht.