
The Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung was Berlin’s most popular news periodical. It was a large-format publication that measured 11″ x 15.” It was produced on a weekly basis. This is the 5 November 1916 issue. The cover shows a crashed observation plane on the Italian Front, with men peering into the cockpit. Inside, we see many interesting stories and photos of war developments. I particularly like a large photograph, covering two-thirds of an entire page, that features Generalfeldmarschall August von Mackensen riding his horse. He is accompanied by an aide wearing 1. Leib-Husaren-Regiment Nr 1’s uniform.
One of the things that I personally enjoy in these editions is all of the advertising that deals with the many goods and services available at the time. It has ads for patriotic rings, (examples of which we have carried in the past and still have listed), military watches, Daimler Benz cars, and Mercedes airplane engines. This is just great stuff! The periodical will give you a great deal of entertainment and let you know what was happening in Germany more than ninety-six years ago.


The Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung was Berlin’s most popular news periodical. It was a large-format publication that measured 11″ x 15.” It was produced on a weekly basis. This is the 5 November 1916 issue. The cover shows a crashed observation plane on the Italian Front, with men peering into the cockpit. Inside, we see many interesting stories and photos of war developments. I particularly like a large photograph, covering two-thirds of an entire page, that features Generalfeldmarschall August von Mackensen riding his horse. He is accompanied by an aide wearing 1. Leib-Husaren-Regiment Nr 1’s uniform.
One of the things that I personally enjoy in these editions is all of the advertising that deals with the many goods and services available at the time. It has ads for patriotic rings, (examples of which we have carried in the past and still have listed), military watches, Daimler Benz cars, and Mercedes airplane engines. This is just great stuff! The periodical will give you a great deal of entertainment and let you know what was happening in Germany more than ninety-six years ago.