
This is a large-format German-language magazine, which measures 12″ x 9.” It is from April 1936, the heyday of pre WW II German aviation. Germany was still operating its two airships, the Graf Zeppelin and the Hindenburg. A portion of this edition devotes itself to information on the LZ 129 Hindenburg. Barely a year would pass until May 1937 when this amazing airship would explode in flames at Lakehurst, NJ. Many photos in the magazine show the Hindenburg under construction. Many photographs and stories about civil aviation in Germany are included, as well as some of the unusual airplanes and gliders that were produced. Photographs of Hermann Göring and Ernst Udet also appear. A large photograph on the back cover shows Göring and other officials of the newly formed Luftwaffe at the grave of Manfred von Richthofen in Berlin. [After WW I his body was removed from its original grave in France and taken to Berlin]. It is a most interesting magazine. It also has a large number of advertisements, some aviation-related, and some not.


This is a large-format German-language magazine, which measures 12″ x 9.” It is from April 1936, the heyday of pre WW II German aviation. Germany was still operating its two airships, the Graf Zeppelin and the Hindenburg. A portion of this edition devotes itself to information on the LZ 129 Hindenburg. Barely a year would pass until May 1937 when this amazing airship would explode in flames at Lakehurst, NJ. Many photos in the magazine show the Hindenburg under construction. Many photographs and stories about civil aviation in Germany are included, as well as some of the unusual airplanes and gliders that were produced. Photographs of Hermann Göring and Ernst Udet also appear. A large photograph on the back cover shows Göring and other officials of the newly formed Luftwaffe at the grave of Manfred von Richthofen in Berlin. [After WW I his body was removed from its original grave in France and taken to Berlin]. It is a most interesting magazine. It also has a large number of advertisements, some aviation-related, and some not.