
This is a booklet written in 1914 by der Abiturientia des Kgl. Gymnasiums (the graduating class of the King’s Gymnasium) in Hamm. It is light-heartedly subtitled the “beer-newspaper” for Hamm and the surrounding area. It is full of the students’ jokes, songs and sketches of one another and their professors. It even contains announcements at the end. Its back cover shows a crow atop a compass weathervane, shedding tears beneath the saying “Farewell Party.” Below are the words meaning “the end,” or “finally!” with Latin and Hebrew affirmations. “Penne” means school. In just a few months, most of these boys would be off to war, and many of the boyish dreams in this booklet would never come to pass.

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This is a booklet written in 1914 by der Abiturientia des Kgl. Gymnasiums (the graduating class of the King’s Gymnasium) in Hamm. It is light-heartedly subtitled the “beer-newspaper” for Hamm and the surrounding area. It is full of the students’ jokes, songs and sketches of one another and their professors. It even contains announcements at the end. Its back cover shows a crow atop a compass weathervane, shedding tears beneath the saying “Farewell Party.” Below are the words meaning “the end,” or “finally!” with Latin and Hebrew affirmations. “Penne” means school. In just a few months, most of these boys would be off to war, and many of the boyish dreams in this booklet would never come to pass.