Germany Shoulder Boards for Leutnant in Luftschiffer Bataillione M1915 Feldgrau with original paper


If you’re looking for an authentic piece of German military history, the Germany Shoulder Boards Leutnant Feldgrau M1915 Luftschiffer Bataillonne with original packaging tissue is the perfect addition to your collection…


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Introducing the authentic Germany Shoulder Boards Leutnant Feldgrau M1915 Luftschiffer Bataillonne with original packaging tissue, a rare find for collectors and enthusiasts of military history.

Crafted with precision and attention to detail, these shoulder boards feature a stunning feldgrau color that was commonly used by the German army during World War I. The Leutnant rank symbolizes a lieutenant, making these shoulder boards ideal for reenactments or display purposes.

These particular shoulder boards were used by the Luftschiffer Bataillonne, or airship battalion, which was responsible for operating airships during the war. This makes them a unique addition to any military collection.

What sets these shoulder boards apart is the fact that they come with their original packaging tissue. This adds to their authenticity and demonstrates the care with which they were originally produced and preserved.

If you’re looking for an authentic piece of German military history, the Germany Shoulder Boards Leutnant Feldgrau M1915 Luftschiffer Bataillonne with original packaging tissue is the perfect addition to your collection.

The Luftschiffer Bataillon or Airship Battalion was a unit of the German army during World War I that was responsible for operating airships, specifically dirigibles or zeppelins. The battalion was formed in 1913, and during the war, it played a crucial role in reconnaissance, bombing, and naval operations. The airship was a new and innovative technology at the time, and the Luftschiffer Bataillon was at the forefront of its development and deployment.

The airships used by the battalion were typically used for reconnaissance purposes, flying over enemy lines to gather intelligence. They were also used for bombing missions, with the aim of damaging or destroying enemy infrastructure and morale. The airships were also used for naval operations, patrolling the seas to spot and engage enemy ships.

The Luftschiffer Bataillon saw action in many of the major battles of World War I, including the Battle of the Marne and the Battle of Jutland. However, the use of airships in warfare was not without its risks, and many were lost to accidents, mechanical failures, or enemy fire.

Despite their eventual obsolescence as a military technology, the Luftschiffer Bataillon played an important role in the development of air power and the evolution of military tactics. Today, they remain a fascinating and intriguing part of military history.


“German Airship Operations in World War I.” Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, Accessed 13 Mar. 2023.
“The Airship in World War One.” Imperial War Museum, Accessed 13 Mar. 2023.
“Luftschiffer Bataillon.” German War Machine, Accessed 13 Mar. 2023.