
Over the years we have strived to bring you the common and uncommon. Today, we think we have something that is certainly the latter! We are offering a set of hand painted miniature soldiers. These were most likely produced during the period from 1890 through 1910. They depict the pride and the glory of the German Army during the Napoleonic Wars. I believe each soldier is made of lead, which was common during the period. They have been hand painted in great detail. The average soldier stands about 2″ tall. We will list below what this particular group encompasses. We actually have a large number of them. We will be happy to sell multiple groups at a discount. I have arranged them into groups that are slightly different. When possible, I have built them around the regimental colors. Below is what is included in a group:

*One (1) mounted officer.

*One (1) dismounted officer.

*One (1) mounted walking officer.

*One drummer wearing a mitre.

*One soldier who has been shot and is in the process of falling to the ground. His mitre is already falling from his head.

*Eight (8) infantry soldiers carrying muskets and wearing mitres.

This wonderful mini grouping has a total of THIRTEEN men. It gives you a sense of what soldiers from two-hundred-years ago looked like. These were most likely owned by a young boy or even a collector like you!


Over the years we have strived to bring you the common and uncommon. Today, we think we have something that is certainly the latter! We are offering a set of hand painted miniature soldiers. These were most likely produced during the period from 1890 through 1910. They depict the pride and the glory of the German Army during the Napoleonic Wars. I believe each soldier is made of lead, which was common during the period. They have been hand painted in great detail. The average soldier stands about 2″ tall. We will list below what this particular group encompasses. We actually have a large number of them. We will be happy to sell multiple groups at a discount. I have arranged them into groups that are slightly different. When possible, I have built them around the regimental colors. Below is what is included in a group:

*One (1) mounted officer.

*One (1) dismounted officer.

*One (1) mounted walking officer.

*One drummer wearing a mitre.

*One soldier who has been shot and is in the process of falling to the ground. His mitre is already falling from his head.

*Eight (8) infantry soldiers carrying muskets and wearing mitres.

This wonderful mini grouping has a total of THIRTEEN men. It gives you a sense of what soldiers from two-hundred-years ago looked like. These were most likely owned by a young boy or even a collector like you!