In an award-winning format, with color illustrations on every page, this is a metal spiral-bound, soft cover book listing of every unit in the German Army on the eve of WWI. It boasts color drawings and photos of the uniforms, the parade and duty helmets, and their color devices (kokarden and feldzeichen). It has listings of the garrison towns by company, and detailed drawings of every helmet plate worn on every style of helmet.
The book, which is spiral-bound like a calendar, is a work of art. It provides the collector with enough information to keep him busy for quite awhile. It is the result of thirty years’ research and effort. It is handily set up by types of regiments, including infantry, cavalry, artillery, etc. All of the old-line regiments that were created before the outbreak of WW I are included. When one comes to an individual regimental number, one will see every detail of the headdress. For instance, in an infantry regiment one sees a photo of the pickelhaube both with spike and with parade bush (where applicable). In addition it has pictures of the wappen, kokarden (rosettes to us Americans), a description of the correct colors for the helmet’s various metal pieces, etc. It includes even small details such as whether the trichter is plain or fluted, and its accurate color. No other book on the market gives you as much information about pickelhauben, kugelhelme, busbies, etc. Wonderfully detailed sections are included on wappens, kokarden (for helmets, Schirmmützen and mützen).
If that is not enough for you, each regimental description includes the formal name of the regiment, where each Bataillon was garrisoned, and the regiment’s date of inception. Even more a small area shows what their prewar uniform looked like, regarding sleeves, collars, basic body color, etc. Still not enough for you? Each regiment’s shoulder board is featured. It is all great stuff, things that I, as a dealer and collector like you, need every day. For some of the more elite regiments, it even sports a thumbnail of their regimental banner! The book has maps of Germany that show the prewar distribution of the 20+ Armeekorps in the various states around Germany. Other helpful sections deal with uniforms, belts, etc.
To be honest, I am amazed at how much information is packed into this book. I truly believe that books like this make collecting more enjoyable for collectors. They help you understand what you have, and can prevent you from making VERY expensive mistakes! I encourage you to get these books, read them, and use them. The collector who does not have research books like this is making a huge mistake, and setting himself up for major disappointment. With all the information contained within it, the book is a major value. I still use my Lainé book on occasion, but this book is what I use on a daily basis. Jim is a great guy. You will not be unhappy when you get your copy. 188 pages. Color photos and drawings.