
This is a fine document group for an Army officer named Moritz Schleenstein. The documents consist of several promotion patents, five in total. Three of them do not have the Kaiser’s signature, while two were signed by Kaiser Wilhelm II. An urkunde (award document) for an Order of the Zähringer Lion Knights Cross 2nd Class is also included.

1) Promotion Patent from Cadet Unteroffizier to Portopee Fähnrich. The document is unsigned, but indicates that Schleenstein was then serving in the Grand Duchy of Baden’s 6. Badisches Grenadier-Regiment Nr 114. The document, which measures 14″ x 8 1/2,” was issued on 15 April 1881 while Wilhelm I was Kaiser. It is identical in format to all promotion patents we commonly see, except for NO King or Kaiser’s signature. We typically see a signature for patents beginning with the rank of hauptmann.

2) Promotion Patent from Portopee Fähnrich to 2nd Lieutenant. This took place on 15 November 1881, while Kaiser Wilhelm I still sat on Germany’s throne. Schleenstein remained with 6. Badisches Grenadier-Regiment Nr 114. The document, which measures 14″ x 8 1/2,” is identical in format to all promotion patents we commonly see, except for NO King or Kaiser’s signature. We typically see a signature for patents beginning with the rank of hauptmann.

3) Promotion Patent from 2nd Lieutenant to Premiere Lieutenant (1st Lieutenant or Oberleutnant). This took place on 20 September 1890. Kaiser Wilhelm II now sat on Germany’s throne, his grandfather and father having both died in 1888. Schleenstein remained with 6. Badisches Grenadier-Regiment Nr 114. The document, which measures 14″ x 8 1/2,” is identical in format to all promotion patents we commonly see, except for NO King or Kaiser’s signature. We typically see a signature for patents beginning with the rank of hauptmann.

4) Promotion Patent for Hauptmann from Premiere Lieutenant. This promotion came on 12 September 1895. Here is the first time that we see Kaiser Wilhelm II’s signature on the document, which measures 14″ x 8 1/2.” It is bold and clear in black ink. The signature took place at Stettin. We see now that Schleenstein has been transferred to 9. Württembergisches Regiment Nr 127. These two states were neighbors, so it was common for this to happen.

5) Promotion Patent for Major from Hauptmann. This document also shows Kaiser Wilhelm II’s bold signature. The promotion took place on 18 May 1907. The Kaiser signed the document at Neues Palais (New Palace). No regimental assignment is given for the document.

*Award Document (Urkunde) for the Order of the Zähringer Lion Knights Cross 2nd Class. It was one of the Grand Duchy of Baden’s two key decoration families. It was awarded in a large number of classes and types. The Zähringer Lion is one of the more attractive decorations awarded in the Imperial German Period. The document measures 14″ x 8 1/2.” It is dated 28 September 1894 and bears Grand Duke Frederick’s signature. It is a most handsome document, in excellent condition. The royal seal of Baden is attached.

The final additions to the document group are photocopies of two Schleenstein photographs. While I cannot clearly see his shoulder boards, he is in the rank of Major, Oberstleutnant, or Oberst. This is a most interesting group that provides the basis for research about the man. It shows him from his days as an enlisted man up through the rank of Major. A good possibility exists that he served in WW I.

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This is a fine document group for an Army officer named Moritz Schleenstein. The documents consist of several promotion patents, five in total. Three of them do not have the Kaiser’s signature, while two were signed by Kaiser Wilhelm II. An urkunde (award document) for an Order of the Zähringer Lion Knights Cross 2nd Class is also included.

1) Promotion Patent from Cadet Unteroffizier to Portopee Fähnrich. The document is unsigned, but indicates that Schleenstein was then serving in the Grand Duchy of Baden’s 6. Badisches Grenadier-Regiment Nr 114. The document, which measures 14″ x 8 1/2,” was issued on 15 April 1881 while Wilhelm I was Kaiser. It is identical in format to all promotion patents we commonly see, except for NO King or Kaiser’s signature. We typically see a signature for patents beginning with the rank of hauptmann.

2) Promotion Patent from Portopee Fähnrich to 2nd Lieutenant. This took place on 15 November 1881, while Kaiser Wilhelm I still sat on Germany’s throne. Schleenstein remained with 6. Badisches Grenadier-Regiment Nr 114. The document, which measures 14″ x 8 1/2,” is identical in format to all promotion patents we commonly see, except for NO King or Kaiser’s signature. We typically see a signature for patents beginning with the rank of hauptmann.

3) Promotion Patent from 2nd Lieutenant to Premiere Lieutenant (1st Lieutenant or Oberleutnant). This took place on 20 September 1890. Kaiser Wilhelm II now sat on Germany’s throne, his grandfather and father having both died in 1888. Schleenstein remained with 6. Badisches Grenadier-Regiment Nr 114. The document, which measures 14″ x 8 1/2,” is identical in format to all promotion patents we commonly see, except for NO King or Kaiser’s signature. We typically see a signature for patents beginning with the rank of hauptmann.

4) Promotion Patent for Hauptmann from Premiere Lieutenant. This promotion came on 12 September 1895. Here is the first time that we see Kaiser Wilhelm II’s signature on the document, which measures 14″ x 8 1/2.” It is bold and clear in black ink. The signature took place at Stettin. We see now that Schleenstein has been transferred to 9. Württembergisches Regiment Nr 127. These two states were neighbors, so it was common for this to happen.

5) Promotion Patent for Major from Hauptmann. This document also shows Kaiser Wilhelm II’s bold signature. The promotion took place on 18 May 1907. The Kaiser signed the document at Neues Palais (New Palace). No regimental assignment is given for the document.

*Award Document (Urkunde) for the Order of the Zähringer Lion Knights Cross 2nd Class. It was one of the Grand Duchy of Baden’s two key decoration families. It was awarded in a large number of classes and types. The Zähringer Lion is one of the more attractive decorations awarded in the Imperial German Period. The document measures 14″ x 8 1/2.” It is dated 28 September 1894 and bears Grand Duke Frederick’s signature. It is a most handsome document, in excellent condition. The royal seal of Baden is attached.

The final additions to the document group are photocopies of two Schleenstein photographs. While I cannot clearly see his shoulder boards, he is in the rank of Major, Oberstleutnant, or Oberst. This is a most interesting group that provides the basis for research about the man. It shows him from his days as an enlisted man up through the rank of Major. A good possibility exists that he served in WW I.