
This is a promotion patent signed by König Wilhelm II of Württemberg (1848-1921), who served as Württemberg’s king from 1891 through 1918. The ornate document is for Oberstleutnant Ernst Freiherr von Gemmingen-Hornberg. It measures 16 1/2″ x 11.” The top of the document proclaims that König Wilhelm II authorized the promotion. It took place on 18 May 1882. A large paper seal with Württemberg’s Coat-of-Arms is at the bottom. To the seal’s right is Wilhelm II’s large, bold signature. Below his signature the War Minister’s and Cabinets-Chef signature appears. At the time of the promotion von Gemminegen-Hornberg had been serving in Infanterie-Regiment Nr 119. He was transferred with the promotion to Infanterie-Regiment Nr 122. The document is in first-rate condition. Further research by Paul Chepurko has revealed that von Gemmingen-Hornberg was born in 1851. He served during the 1870-1871 Franco-Prussian War and was awarded the 1870 Iron Cross 2nd Class. During WW I, he served in Landwehr Infanterie-Regiment Nr 123. His retirement rank was Oberst a. D. He died in 1928. [We would like to thank Paul Chepurko, our resident research expert, for this additional information. Paul produces all the wonderful Ranglistes and other research works on CD, which we offer on our RANGLISTES ON CD MERCHANDISE PAGE (click here to see). They are invaluable for research. The additional information above is a perfect example of some what can be found].

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This is a promotion patent signed by König Wilhelm II of Württemberg (1848-1921), who served as Württemberg’s king from 1891 through 1918. The ornate document is for Oberstleutnant Ernst Freiherr von Gemmingen-Hornberg. It measures 16 1/2″ x 11.” The top of the document proclaims that König Wilhelm II authorized the promotion. It took place on 18 May 1882. A large paper seal with Württemberg’s Coat-of-Arms is at the bottom. To the seal’s right is Wilhelm II’s large, bold signature. Below his signature the War Minister’s and Cabinets-Chef signature appears. At the time of the promotion von Gemminegen-Hornberg had been serving in Infanterie-Regiment Nr 119. He was transferred with the promotion to Infanterie-Regiment Nr 122. The document is in first-rate condition. Further research by Paul Chepurko has revealed that von Gemmingen-Hornberg was born in 1851. He served during the 1870-1871 Franco-Prussian War and was awarded the 1870 Iron Cross 2nd Class. During WW I, he served in Landwehr Infanterie-Regiment Nr 123. His retirement rank was Oberst a. D. He died in 1928. [We would like to thank Paul Chepurko, our resident research expert, for this additional information. Paul produces all the wonderful Ranglistes and other research works on CD, which we offer on our RANGLISTES ON CD MERCHANDISE PAGE (click here to see). They are invaluable for research. The additional information above is a perfect example of some what can be found].