This is a most unusual item. I would describe it as a table or dresser scarf that measures 22″ x 25 ½,” and takes the form of a multicolored map depicting the Western Front, including Belgium, France, and Western Germany. The legend listed below appears in the map’s lower left corner.
Karte (Map)
vom (of)
Deutsch-Französischen (German-French)
Kriegschauplatz (Theater of War)
The map is made of thin, gauzy cotton, similar to what was used on many of the period’s military and patriotic flags. The flag features a wide red border on its edge, followed by smaller, red, black and white (Germany’s national colors) half-inch-wide borders surrounding the black and white map in its center. Numerous oak leaves (symbolizing German strength) are laid diagonally across these national color bands.
The highly-detailed central map concentrates on the northern part of France, with most of Belgium, as well as the strip of Western Germany that shared its eastern border with France. City names are prominently displayed, as well as depictions of more hilly terrain.
The scarf is in very fine condition, overall. With some creativity on the part of its new owner, it would make a fine addition to a WW I display.