
This is a very large and ornate monument of Kaiser Wilhelm I, located in Hildesheim. The monument shows Kaiser Wilhelm I mounted on a horse, wearing the helmet and uniform of the Regiment der Garde du Corps. In his right hand he holds a Generalfeldmarschall’s baton. Below him, standing on the ground, is Germania, the mythical patron and protector of Germany against France. She holds high in her left hand Germany’s crown. Under Wilhelm’s foot is a dragon that he has slain, much like Saint George or the Archangel Michael. The postcard just oozes symbolism and the might of Germany’s first Kaiser. On the postcard’s reverse is a written message. The postcard was mailed in August 1907.

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This is a very large and ornate monument of Kaiser Wilhelm I, located in Hildesheim. The monument shows Kaiser Wilhelm I mounted on a horse, wearing the helmet and uniform of the Regiment der Garde du Corps. In his right hand he holds a Generalfeldmarschall’s baton. Below him, standing on the ground, is Germania, the mythical patron and protector of Germany against France. She holds high in her left hand Germany’s crown. Under Wilhelm’s foot is a dragon that he has slain, much like Saint George or the Archangel Michael. The postcard just oozes symbolism and the might of Germany’s first Kaiser. On the postcard’s reverse is a written message. The postcard was mailed in August 1907.