
Canvas covers for pickelhauben, kugelhelme, etc. are always a popular accessory. The white cover is for either a kugelhelm or a pickelhaube. It is different in that it was constructed to allow the ball or spike to protrude through the cover; leaving that portion of the helmet exposed. It was designed this way, and is neatly finished. It is not a matter of somebody snipping off the pouch that would have housed the kugel or spike. The white covers were used by umpires during military maneuvers. I have offered a variety of standard helmet covers in the past, even some with a wide red stripe. The latter were used by officers. The red stripe made it easier for their own men to see them when they were issuing orders. The white covers were to immediately identify the umpires who made decisions on the proceedings during maneuvers. I saw photos of these men, who also wore colored armbands to further identify them. The photos I saw were from the 1903 period, but I would expect these were used prior to and certainly after that date as well. The cover is identical in construction in every way to a conventional kugelhelm cover, with the exception of its white color. This is a very rare accessory, and a picturesque touch for you helmet collectors who want something a little different! This will fit a spiked helmet properly. I just have not taken the time for these photos to fit it completely on the helmet.

SKU: 04-336 Category:


Canvas covers for pickelhauben, kugelhelme, etc. are always a popular accessory. The white cover is for either a kugelhelm or a pickelhaube. It is different in that it was constructed to allow the ball or spike to protrude through the cover; leaving that portion of the helmet exposed. It was designed this way, and is neatly finished. It is not a matter of somebody snipping off the pouch that would have housed the kugel or spike. The white covers were used by umpires during military maneuvers. I have offered a variety of standard helmet covers in the past, even some with a wide red stripe. The latter were used by officers. The red stripe made it easier for their own men to see them when they were issuing orders. The white covers were to immediately identify the umpires who made decisions on the proceedings during maneuvers. I saw photos of these men, who also wore colored armbands to further identify them. The photos I saw were from the 1903 period, but I would expect these were used prior to and certainly after that date as well. The cover is identical in construction in every way to a conventional kugelhelm cover, with the exception of its white color. This is a very rare accessory, and a picturesque touch for you helmet collectors who want something a little different! This will fit a spiked helmet properly. I just have not taken the time for these photos to fit it completely on the helmet.